Welcome to episode 7 where I talk you through my process of going from contemplation before training in the morning to getting out the door. Getting into a routine or ritual is vital to getting your head in the mind set so your body can follow.

I am still pretty amateur hour with the video production at this stage, but I am making progress, and I am enjoying the learning journey I am making along the way. Stick with me I can only get better.

Welcome to episode 6 where I talk you through my bike set up. I am also excited to give away my first piece of merchandise that just arrived today. THE BUCKET HAT. Who doesn't like a nice bucket hat with summer just around the corner.

Welcome to episode 5. Today I talk you through the week that was and talk about what is on the cards for week three training session. For my coaches classroom I look at 'Should I train when I am ill'

Getting sick doesn’t mean you should do nothing. It’s important to dial back the training but keep the routine going. If a run is scheduled, consider doing a walk instead. If you have a cycling session planned, still hop on the bike but decrease the intensity. Don’t fight the sickness; it’s out of your control. Your immune system does the fighting, and you simply support it. A peer reviewed article by Da Silveira suggests that activing can actually aid the immune system and doing nothing may aid the illness. While not being a medical doctor or a specialist in infectious disease, prevention or an immunologists I share the view that; Doing nothing can actually aid the illness

I also share the views of https://www.mayoclinic.org/expert-biographies/edward-r-laskowski-m-d/bio-20025114 who stated the following on the Mayo clinic web page.

As a general guide for exercise and illness, consider this:

• Exercise is usually OK if your signs and symptoms are all "above the neck." These include a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and minor sore throat.

Consider reducing the intensity and length of your workout. Instead of going for a run, take a walk, for example.

• Don't exercise if your signs and symptoms are "below the neck," such as chest congestion, a hacking cough or upset stomach.

• Don't exercise with people if you have COVID-19 or other contagious illnesses.

• Don't exercise if you have a fever, fatigue or widespread muscle aches

For me in regards to illness is leaning into the non-negotiable elements of training which is getting in my 10,000 steps a day. I would have to be very sick to not be able to walk. And 10,000 is becoming a universal standard for minimum fitness. I am however slowly adding more non-negotiable elements to my training, as my consistency improves while I work through my triathlon transition blueprint. You can find the training peaks program that I have written on my website:


Psychology behind behavioural change - 29th October

This VLOG is diving into the fascinating world of sports psychology, focusing on behavioural change and how it can transform your athletic performance. As I documenting the next 34 weeks of journey to my final race – Ironman Cairn in 2025 I am looking to off load as much of my knowledge that I have gained over the last 55 years.

Please click on the link to watch my thoughts on behavioural change and if you have any specific questions or topics that you wish for me to explore from my unique perspective let me know in the comments sections.

It is needless to say that behavioural change is a critical aspect of sports psychology. It is all about understanding how we can shift our habits and mindsets to achieve our athletic goals. One of the most effective frameworks for this is the Transtheoretical Model of Change, which I’ll explore in the video link below.

I hope you enjoy.

Behaviour change

Week 2 Slow progress - 27th October

Second video in my weekly journey to Ironman Cairns. This week I look back at the week that was and forward to the week that will be.

The video production is still pretty bad, but I am learning along the way. I am excited to see how much I learn along the way.

Please check it out and give me some feedback about what content that you would like me to focus on going forward.

Week 2 - Triathlon transition blueprint

Introductory Video - 21st October

Let the journey to Ironman Cairns 2025 begin

This is the first video of the weekly series I am aiming to produce as I journey to Ironman Cairns on June 15th, 2025. Along the way, I will share expert coaching advice, training tips, nutrition plans, and motivational stories to help you become the best athlete you can be.

I hope you enjoy this first installment.

Mind over matter endurance - Introductory Video